High demand for our Baader service and maintenance as well a Baader machine sales have led us to makes some changes in our staff as well as increased our focus on used Baader markets abroad.
To meet the increase in demand for our services and products we at Petur Larsen pf have undergone some updates since this summer.
New staff:
Employing a new CFO, a new purchase and storage manager, a new online communication manager and new smiths are amongst the actions taken to ensure top quality delivery on all the Baader products and services that we offer.
Added focus abroad:
Delivering experienced and top quality Baader services for the last two years to countries like France, Lithuania and Greenland we are further developing our strategy to extend our network and to meet the increases in the number of enquiries from customers abroad.
We are already seeing the positive results of this strategy as our Baader service team has travelled extensively for the past months and our sales team has sold quite few used Baader machines.
Updated webpage and new online strategy:
To further our reach and our sales abroad we have also made extensive updates on our website.
At the same time we have implemented a strategy for all our online activities. This will provide you, our potential customer, with regular updates as well as other relevant and interesting content.
If you have any enquiries on used Baader Machines, spare parts for Baader Machines or Baader service feel free to contact Hjalti Lundsbjerg at hl@pl.fo or (+298) 73 93 02
For a more detailed list of specific skills and experiences please have a look at the list included below